A blog written by an Omnist reflecting on being a Mom, life, art, spirituality, but most of all, love.
This is my first post. It’s not just a first post of a blog, but the first words of a new chapter in my life. You see, I have been mum for several years now. Both as one who has given birth to my radiant son and one who has been silent for years.
I have had several blogs and websites in the past. Those have been gone for years now but today I felt inspired to write. It is my desire to push out of the earth and grow in a new direction– a direction that is inclusive of all people and yet gives me an outlet to bloom in this garden we share.
It may seem strange, but this has taken a lot of courage for me to do. I’m pretty rusty at this but perhaps others can understand.
I really don’t know what this blog will become. I have no set plans. I am excited though. I like art, gardening, being a Mom, and developing my spirituality through the lens of omnism. Perhaps you do, too?
To honoring past, present and future creations… MM
Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold, and the body, a miracle of wisdom. – Harriette Hartigan